Restoration Project: Creating Community Roots

Part I: Restoration Project Making Homes for Orphans
Part II: Photos: Varss Apartment Project

In the midst of meeting physical needs, God calls us to the sometimes invisible work of connecting our youth to friends, mentors, and Christian discipleship.

When we help orphanage graduates establish safe housing, we’re saying, “You belong; put down roots!” In May, our Restoration Project crew finished Sveta and Alona Varss’ apartment.

Living in our residential program had enabled them to save money for kitchen furniture, a sofa, and a refrigerator. We pitched in for furnishings too.

Through relationships with our staff, Sveta and Alona decided to follow Jesus and have been attending church. This summer, now in their own apartment, they volunteered at their church’s day camp. Alona also served with our friends at Mission to Ukraine at a camp for children with disabilities, and Sveta attended a Christian camp in the mountains.

Sveta at camp with a friend from a Christian foster family in Zhytomyr

This stability has made it easier for the sisters to connect with family. Thanks to an uncle’s encouragement, their father has renewed his relationship with them. He asked what they needed for the apartment, but they were too shy to respond… so on his own initiative he bought them a shower.

One gift of having a home is offering hospitality! Sveta and Alona welcomed our Shelter team into their new home for a meeting. Through the Restoration Project, our young people can invite others to share their home and their life.

Alona has four more years studying psychology at the university. Sveta has one year at medical college, then needs to make decisions.

Last summer, we took some of our youth to Agape, a Christian ministry for orphans in another city. Sveta is dating a young man she met there. She would appreciate your prayers for her decisions about their relationship and her education.

Thank you for being part of the community that values Sveta and Alona. They can have confidence in the God who shows up for them through His people!

Sveta with our staff at “Called to Influence,” a women’s conference at church